Simple Tweaks That Will Instantly Boost Your Conversion Rate

Starting your own business is overwhelming. There’s a lot to think about, and most of it probably outside your zone of genius. 

Let’s face it. You know what you do, and you do it well. But what about everything else you need to learn just to get your business off the ground? There’s marketing, accounting, social media, content writing, photography, advertising, and let’s not forget about building your own website. I mean who the hell knows how to do all of that out of nowhere?  

Talk about a brain explosion!

So what happens when you pull every ounce of strength and brain capacity together, and you pour everything you’ve got into building your business and creating your website, only for it to feel like a total failure. 

Well firstly, there’s no failure – only room for growth, and everyone has been there. Even the biggest businesses start off exactly where you did.  

Some growth will just take time, but there are also some simple tweaks that you can make to your website today that will instantly boost your sales. 

Simplify Your Checkout

Having too many fields, to create an account, a password, or having too many payment options can severely impact your chances of conversion. Try to keep it as simple and quick as possible – if your website builder allows it, try to incorporate add-ons like Google/Apple Pay, ShopPay and PayPal to make it even faster

Add Customer Reviews

Either on products themselves, or a dedicated section to share business reviews. People like to know that you’re tried and tested and that they won’t be disappointed with their purchase. A little reassurance goes a long way!

Use High Quality Images 

These are crucial and make a huge difference. Use images that show off your products/brand and make them shine! If you can’t afford a professional shoot, that’s ok, you can get some high quality images through the use of a ring light and an iPhone. A little research into product shots will do wonders for your conversion rate.


Ever browsed through The Iconic, added a few items to cart, then remember you have nothing to spend this month and promptly close the tab – only to be followed around by that dress, or those shoes for the next few weeks? That’s remarketing…powerful isn’t it? Remarketing will show your ad to customers that have already come to your website, or engaged with you on social media, but they didn’t purchase from you – and it works. In fact, website visitors who are retargeted are more likely to convert by around 43%.

You can show your ad, or even prompt them with the product they were looking at, to increase the likelihood that they will finalise their purchase. It’s like an abandoned cart email on superdrive. The customer doesn’t have to have been close to placing an order, they could have just viewed your carousel on Instagram, or come to your website and had a little browse, or yes added products to their cart and abandoned them. These are potential customers that have shown an interest in your products, your business, your services, and therefore are more likely to make a purchase than those that haven’t – almost 50% more likely!

Send ‘Abandoned Cart’ Emails

By sending recovery emails to customers that have abandoned their cart, you could increase your conversion rate by around 15-20%. Definitely well worth it! If you’re using Shopify, this can all be automated for you! Check out 3 Ways To Supercharge Your Abandoned Cart Emails and Convert Even More Customers


There are some fundamental boxes you can tick to turn your website into a powerful tool that will attract the right customers, and boost your sales. Download my FREE 15 Minute Website Audit Checklist to get you on the right track to optimising your website and boosting your sales.

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